We have a Theething baby.
Theething is one thing that makes parents fell defeated. To know your baby is in pain and noot being able to take it away fully. Yes there are things that can help but as we all know too well out selves thooth pain is the worst.Theething is where the baby teeth are moving into position, before breaking through the gums. This normal starts between 5-7 months with the first tooth emerging around 6-8 months however some babies are born. With teeth, other do not get any until later. Every baby is different and it doesn't matter when theey start theething, when their teeth actually come through or how long it takes before having a full set. Instead it is about helping you little ones through this time. As long as they got some by the time they are 18 months, if not then consult a dentist.
As most adults know toothache is the worse, I know for me when my wisdom. Tetth come though it Wass horrible. This hhapped to be Christmas last year worst time ever. But you get headaches, earachs, jaw ach even. Don't want or can't eat anything, while we understand what's going on. Imagine the pain for a baby who doesn't know what's happing.
Symptoms of teething.
- Bittingg or chowing everything.
- Exessive dribbling
- Chrowing hands
- Rubing fist by their ears or month
- Red cheeks
- Sore red gums
- Rash and spots round month (due to dribbling)
- Irritated and fussing
- Waking in the night
- Going off milk or food
- getting an upset stomach like dirreah.
- Can have a high temperature
Thee last 3 points however should be check by a health professional is you are worried and not just assumed it iis due to teething because it could be something more serious.
tips on dealing this a teething baby or toddler.
- Gel or powder
- Theething toys, especial cold gel ones.
- Cold boiled water or juice if allowed
- Medicine
- Cream for their month
- Cuddles and love
Ariyah-mai starting teething very early, many people told us no she is too young, she was about 6/7 weeks. But doctor and health visitor confirmed she was.
She has early signs where her teeth were starting to move into place. Most babies only start feeling the pain once the tooth is in position and emerging through the gums. Making them sore. But ariyah was very fussy, she was dribbling A lot. Whilst trying to burb her she would chow her dummie or well anything if it went near her month, so she would bit down on the musy or our finger when she got a chance.
This was challenging, we had all her issues with her cold and reflux. Then with the colic to. Now teething on top of it was difficult to say the least. But it was only the odd time, it would stop for a few days before then return again. Under 2 month we could not give her anything. We found one gel which was from birth, but she just dribbled it out therefore did not do much.
It was a relief when she got to 3 months and was allowed teething powder. We used Addison and parsons which worked wonders. She could also have calpol if she was really bad to help her settle at night, we gave herr nufen because of her cold thus it helped her teeth too.
Also when sshe was teething so young it was hard to get teethers that were not to hhardd or big for her. Especial with her being premmy and still very small. We found bibs that had soft rubber teething tips heelpped a lot. We didn't havee to go hunting for a teether when shee was screaming as it was right on her bib. Other ones we found were gel ones that mimic Dummies that can go in the fridge. Therefore making them cold on her gums. She started feeding little aand often again because it reeliefted the pain. Water did help abit (also with her c old and possible sore throat) however sshe did noot really like water and would spit it out.
Ariyah-mai is really struggling with her teeth now, waking a lot in the night and is very fussy, we tried the Amber teething brackets everyone speaks about but it fell off her wrist somewhere whilst we were out. So the ethers, gel, powder and occasionally calpol to settle her at night. There are definatly at least 2 teeth coming through and two more at the top to follow.
Ariyah-mai is now 4 months, I can't believe how big sshe is gettrinng. She amazing us more and more everyday as she is sso clever. She is now beginning to be able to hold the teether herself. We have these star ones which are good because it stops her pushing them too far into her month. We learnt the hard way went she pushed the key teether back to far andd made herself sick even with us right there. To start with we were having to hold them. Which we still do abit, but as I said she is starting to hold them herself especially the star one. But still prefers her hands or chowing her fingers. Wee did get those hand teethers but she doesn't seem to like them on.
Wheather your baby is early or late teether. It is tough, Do not feel alone and reach out!! Get your partner or family member to help when it gets too much. Make sure you are looking after yourself too as it's easy to get stressed and lack of sleep is very difficult. But remember it's won't be forever.
It was a relief when she got to 3 months and was allowed teething powder. We used Addison and parsons which worked wonders. She could also have calpol if she was really bad to help her settle at night, we gave herr nufen because of her cold thus it helped her teeth too.
Also when sshe was teething so young it was hard to get teethers that were not to hhardd or big for her. Especial with her being premmy and still very small. We found bibs that had soft rubber teething tips heelpped a lot. We didn't havee to go hunting for a teether when shee was screaming as it was right on her bib. Other ones we found were gel ones that mimic Dummies that can go in the fridge. Therefore making them cold on her gums. She started feeding little aand often again because it reeliefted the pain. Water did help abit (also with her c old and possible sore throat) however sshe did noot really like water and would spit it out.
Ariyah-mai is really struggling with her teeth now, waking a lot in the night and is very fussy, we tried the Amber teething brackets everyone speaks about but it fell off her wrist somewhere whilst we were out. So the ethers, gel, powder and occasionally calpol to settle her at night. There are definatly at least 2 teeth coming through and two more at the top to follow.
Ariyah-mai is now 4 months, I can't believe how big sshe is gettrinng. She amazing us more and more everyday as she is sso clever. She is now beginning to be able to hold the teether herself. We have these star ones which are good because it stops her pushing them too far into her month. We learnt the hard way went she pushed the key teether back to far andd made herself sick even with us right there. To start with we were having to hold them. Which we still do abit, but as I said she is starting to hold them herself especially the star one. But still prefers her hands or chowing her fingers. Wee did get those hand teethers but she doesn't seem to like them on.
Wheather your baby is early or late teether. It is tough, Do not feel alone and reach out!! Get your partner or family member to help when it gets too much. Make sure you are looking after yourself too as it's easy to get stressed and lack of sleep is very difficult. But remember it's won't be forever.
Any other tips people may have please share by commenting, theethinng is hard on both baby and parent so lets help each other out.!!!
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